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Patients at Risk
The Rise of the Nurse Practitioner and Physician Assis ...
by Al-Agba, Niran; Rebekah Bernard
Patients at Risk: The Rise of the Nurse Practitioner and Physician Assistant in Healthcare exposes a vast conspiracy of political maneuvering and corporate greed that has led to the replacement ...
Clinical Applications of Human Anatomy and Physio ...
by Jouria, Jassin M.
Anatomy and Physiology is effectively a broad introductory course that requires the student to devote an enormous amount of effort to understand it on even a basic level. While this necessitate ...
Chronic Complex Diseases of Childhood
A Practical Guide for Clinicians
by Yazdani, Shahram; Sean A. McGhee; E. Richard Stiehm
This new book is a practical guide for physicians and other professionals who care for children and adolescents with complex, chronic diseases. These disorders are a challenge because they require mul ...
Laser Dentistry
Current Clinical Applications
by WFLD; Aldo Brugnera Junior; Samir Namour
Laser Dentistry: Current Clinical Applications by the World Federation for Laser Dentistry (WFLD) is a comprehensive guide the state of the art, principles and practices of laser dentistry. Thi ...
The A-Z Encyclopedia of Alcohol and Drug Abuse
by Nordegren, Thomas
With more than 30.000 entries The A-Z Enczclopedia on Alcohol and Substance Abuse is the most complete and comprehensive reference book in the field of Substance Abuse. A useful handbbok and ...
Ambulatory Medicine
A Quick Reference for the Busy Primary Care Provider
by Milhorn, H. Thomas
This guide began as a manual for family medicine residents. Over time it evolved into a fairly complete coverage of most of the outpatient issues seen in their training. In response to their urging, I ...
Principles and Practice of Urology
A Comprehensive Text (Volume 1)
by Salam, Muhammad A.
Principles and Practice of Urology (Volumes I and II) was created to provide a fresh, practical and concise review of the important urological issues faced in the daily practice. An easy and simple ...
The Low-Fat Lie
Rise of Obesity, Diabetes and Inflammation
by Lawrence, Glen D.
The advice to consume less fat "especially saturated fat" had a profound, adverse impact on public health. Although the percentage of fat in the American diet decreased, the percentage of carbohydrate ...
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