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Arduino for the Cloud
Arduino Yun and Dragino Yun Shield
by Kühnel, Claus
Arduino for the Cloud considers the Arduino Yun and the Dragino Yun Shield as components closing the gap between a typical microcontroller application and connection to the cloud. Arduino Yun c ...
Visualization of Interface Metaphor for Software
An Engineering Approach
by Katre, Dinesh S.
This book presents a comprehensive process for visualization of interface metaphor for software. It is helpful in designing interactive user interfaces with magical super-affordances and definitive us ...
R² - Heaps with Suspended Relaxation f ...
by Shrairman, Ruth
This research is dedicated to two main problems in finding shortest paths in the graphs. The first problem is to find shortest paths from an origin to all other vertices in non-negatively weighted gra ...
Acquisition and Reproduction of Color Images
Colorimetric and Multispectral Approaches
by Hardeberg, Jon

The goal of the work reported in this dissertation is to develop methods for the acquisition and reproduction of high quality digital color images. To reach this goal it is necessary to understand ...

The ALISA Shape Module
Adaptive Shape Recognition using a Radial Feature Toke ...
by Becker, Glenn C.
Shape classification is a challenging image processing problem because shapes can occur in any position, at any orientation, and at any scale in an image. Shapes can also be obscured by gaps in their ...
Oracle DBA 101
A Beginner’s Guide
by Uppaluri, Rao R.
There is a dearth of Oracle Database Administrators inspite of having a large number of Oracle Programmers/Analysts. It is not difficult to rationalise the reason for this. Oracle Database Administra ...
2020 Web Vision
How the Internet will Revolutionize Future Homes, Busi ...
by Oberst, Robert D.

At the dawn of a new millennium, faith in technology soared following the successful eradication of the potentially paralyzing Y2K bug. Young dot-coms with little experience and possessing few ass ...

Create Web Pages Using Dreamweaver 4 and Firework ...
by Siriamonthep, Busaba
Dreamweaver 4 is the HTML editor and you can create web graphics using Fireworks 4. Both applications can be integrated together. You will enjoy creating your own images, animated graphics, and rollo ...
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