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The Magic of Yggdrasill
The Poetry of Old Norse Unconscious
by Kodratoff, Yves
This book took its start with the author’s realization that what Old Norse calls 'magic' can be understood as 'unconscious', as stated by C. G. Jung: (we find) "magical means everything where unconsc ...
Guide to Enjoying Salinger's The Catcher in the R ...
by Anderson, John P.
This non-academic author presents a study of Salinger’s major writings, a study designed to enhance the reader’s enjoyment even in a reread. The study is an analysis of their artistic structure, espec ...
Book 7 of Caesar's Bellum Gallicum
With Introduction, Text, Vocabulary and Notes
by Mannetter, Drew A.
This comprehensive reader utilizes a step-by-step approach to help students of Latin read and understand the longest and most dramatic book of Caesar's Gallic War. Book 7 is the culmination of the con ...
Fathers and Sons at the Abbey Theatre (1904-1938)
A New Perspective on the Study of Irish Drama
by Luppi, Fabio
Fathers and Sons at the Abbey Theatre demonstrates how the literary archetype of the clash between fathers and sons and the subsequent depiction of anti-oedipal figures become a major concern f ...
The Fall of Literary Theory
A 21st Century Return to Deconstruction and Poststruct ...
by Andreasen, Liana Vrajitoru
The book revives literary theory, which was popular at the end of the 20th century, with the purpose of showing how useful it is in the current century in opening the minds of students to the dangers ...
Villains, Victims, and Violets
Agency and Feminism in the Original Sherlock Holmes Ca ...
by Haile, Resa; Tamara R. Bower
Modern writers have reconsidered every subject under the sun through the lens of Sherlock Holmes. The overlooked subject is agency: the opportunities available to these women for independence and cont ...
Disabled Literature
A Critical Examination of the Portrayal of Individuals ...
by Beauchamp, Miles
This book examines how authors have used characters with disabilities to elicit emotional reactions in readers; additionally, how writers use disabilities to present individuals as "the other" rather ...
Kafka's Last Pipes
The Burrow and Josephine the Singer, or the Mouse Folk
by Anderson, John P.
Fresh from the twilight zone of Kafka's The Metamorphosis, this non-academic author treats on a line by line basis two of Kafka's last stories, stories written while he was wheezing with tuberc ...
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