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Proceedings of the Multi-Conference 2011
2nd International Conference on Signals, Systems & Aut ...
by Soni, Himanshu
The International Conference on Signals, Systems and Automation (ICSSA 2011) aims to spread awareness in the research and academic community regarding cutting-edge technological advancements revolutio ...
TCP/IP - The Ultimate Protocol Guide
Volume 2 - Applications, Access and Data Security
by Miller, Philip M.
The book provides a complete guide to the protocols that comprise the Internet Protocol Suite, more commonly referred to as TCP/IP. The work assumes no prior knowledge of TCP/IP and only a rudimentary ...
Prediction of Upper Body Power of Cross-Country S ...
by Ozciloglu, Mustafa Mikail
Upper body power (UBP) is one of the most important factors affecting the performance of cross-country skiers during races. Although some initial studies have already attempted to predict UBP, until n ...
Vision-based Robot Navigation
Quest for Intelligent Approaches Using a Sparse Distri ...
by Mendes, Mateus
Starting with a summary of the history of Artificial Intelligence, this book makes the bridge to the modern debate on the definition of Intelligence and the path to building Intelligent Machines. Sinc ...
The 8051/8052 Microcontroller
Architecture, Assembly Language, and Hardware Interfac ...
by Steiner, Craig
This book was written with the novice or intermediate 8052 developer in mind. Assuming no prior knowledge of the 8052, it takes the reader step-by-step through the architecture including discussions ...
Head-Order Techniques and Other Pragmatics of Lam ...
by Troullinos, Nikos B.
The operational aspects of Lambda Calculus are studied as a fundamental basis for high-order functional computation. We consider systems having full reduction semantics, i.e., equivalence-preserving t ...
Arduino for the Cloud
Arduino Yun and Dragino Yun Shield
by Kühnel, Claus
Arduino for the Cloud considers the Arduino Yun and the Dragino Yun Shield as components closing the gap between a typical microcontroller application and connection to the cloud. Arduino Yun c ...
Visualization of Interface Metaphor for Software
An Engineering Approach
by Katre, Dinesh S.
This book presents a comprehensive process for visualization of interface metaphor for software. It is helpful in designing interactive user interfaces with magical super-affordances and definitive us ...
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